Testimonials - Phoenix Safe - Page 9


Read our customer testimonials, describing how they find our safes and security products.

Steven Holland

Many Thanks Mike for your effective and efficient customer service.

Mark Simms

Thanks Jo for your speedy customer service!

Annie Wellesley-Wood

This is the second Phoenix Data Combi DS2501E safe that I have bought from you and both have been excellent value for money and reliable products. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.

Matt Barnes

Thank you for coming back so promptly, I am always impressed with the service from Phoenix.

Alan Cook

Thanks very much you have been very helpful and hopefully I won’t have to contact you again, but would have no hesitation in using your product again as your after sales service was excellent.


Thanks for dealing with the problem in a very efficient, considerate and speedy manner.

Mandy Fleming-Williams

Can’t tell you how much I am in awe of the service you have provided. Very impressed indeed!

Debbie Cohen

I thought I would email to give feedback on the recent experience I have had with yourselves. I had been speaking with Alison Hughes, who I would like to say was beyond helpful, polite, professional and resolved the issue we had. This was made a very easy experience, and we will definitely be coming back for more business mainly from the great service we received.

Mark Pedler (CCS Media)

I have always recommended Phoenix Safe to all my customers when they are in the market for a safe – rest assured I will be back for more units in the future.

Melanie Smith

Excellent customer service, I wish I dealt with more companies like yours.

Phoenix Safe Company, where peace of mind is guaranteed
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